Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Task 3 Service Journal

My first impression on this class was that it would be fun and a new experience for me, because i love learning new things and meeting new people that could express their different talents in different ways and things. The work is pretty easy, i just have to remember that its a grade and something new to handle. I learned that working with people that you have never worked with can be fun because you never know that you might have something in common with that person or they could help you with some of the stuff you need help with.
I havent had any negative things in this class before because its an oppertunity to be in this class and learn. I love being in here because we do different stuff and help out the people thats in our surroundings. We may help out the homeless people and get something good in return for that cause. I look forward to being a great person from this class and setting good goals for myself.

Wht iWant In 10 Years

#1 -- Graduate From High School and College/Tech School
#2 -- Have My Own Beauty Salon ( Cosmetology Licens ]
#3 -- Have 4 Kids ( 2 Boys , 2 Girls ]
#4 -- Have A Stable Home
#5 -- Not Married ( Boyfriend ]
#6 -- Live In A Manchion
#7 -- Be Deep In The Music Industry
#8 -- Staying In Miami Florida or HomeTown SanDiego California
#9 -- Travel Around The World To Do Celebrity's Hair
#10 -- I Want 2 Be In Good Health

I have to be good so that i can get through high school and get my diploma. I want to go to a college in Miami and graduate from there to get my cosmetology licens. While im doing all of that i want to make time to have 4 kids and im not getting married. I just want a boyfriend that can treat me like im his wife. I want to be rich and have a big manchion and sing or rap with the group im in DNCEnt. Live BiG and stay true to myself.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Task Two

# 8 Keep A Clean Advirement -- Make Sure Your Area Is Clean
# 9 Develope Good Work Ethis --Do Your Work To The Best Of Your Abbility
# 10 Be Respectful -- Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated

I Think It Would Benifit Other Students Because I Think They Want The Same Things In Life And To Be Successful .

Task One

Set High Expectations for myself so that i can suceed in life and be a better person for education because I dont really care bout the things in life when I really need to. Motivate myself to want to do more and spend my time wisely because I feel like I waste my life alot of the time. Build a healthy relationship so I can be a better person and work on my attitude. My attitude stands in my way, i hope it gets better.