Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Task 3 Service Journal

My first impression on this class was that it would be fun and a new experience for me, because i love learning new things and meeting new people that could express their different talents in different ways and things. The work is pretty easy, i just have to remember that its a grade and something new to handle. I learned that working with people that you have never worked with can be fun because you never know that you might have something in common with that person or they could help you with some of the stuff you need help with.
I havent had any negative things in this class before because its an oppertunity to be in this class and learn. I love being in here because we do different stuff and help out the people thats in our surroundings. We may help out the homeless people and get something good in return for that cause. I look forward to being a great person from this class and setting good goals for myself.

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